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1. Christmas morning 2001 when I found out I was getting a dog

2. Summer before 8th grade when I was kissed by my crush in the storage side of my basement between the water heater and the folding chairs my parents use for Thanksgiving (and other holidays that more than 14 people come over for)

3. Taking my first bite into the ooey gooey mess that is a Nutella Brown Butter Blondie

Above you will find the happiest moments of my life to date. However, beyond this list, there are other things that make me happy- like when people read these posts. And with that being said, I'd like to pay it forward to all you fine people. While I would love to give everyone a puppy, I'm not sure how I would do that, logistically or legally. And your out of your mind if you think I'm letting you near the aforementioned basement hunk aka the love of my life. Plus he wasn't a very good kisser. So that leaves one life defining moment of happiness, which I can conveniently pass along to you in the form of a recipe.

The Nutella Brown Butter Blondie. Of all the things I have posted on Instagram, this is the recipe I get the most requests for, by far. And understandably so. The name alone is enough to make Michelle Obama weep. And it only gets better (or worse) from there. It's crunchy and brown-buttery (that's a technical term) outside is complemented perfectly by it's warm, overflowing Nutella center.

As much as I would love to take credit for this divine creation, sadly I cannot. Instead, I must give the much deserved awe-inspiring credit to The Food Charlitarian- baking wizard and bringer of taste-bud happiness. Here's the link to the recipe on her site.

I have made these treats quite a few times, and have even included them in an all Nutella ice cream sandwich. These are a go-to recipe for me because they are relatively easy to make and pack a big punch in terms of wow-factor. I love this recipe so much and am so confident in its show-stopping abilities, that I even used it as my bake sale item for the Infatuation Bake Sale back in April.

So before you judge me for putting a dessert on my "happiest life moments" list instead of say, being accepted to college or getting my first job, give the recipe a whirl. Then we'll talk.

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