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Breakfast pizza, Nutella buns, Donuts = Yes, Give me, Now

Stand mixer, Active dry yeast, Refridgerate 8-12 hours = No, Huh?, Bye Felicia

If the above applies to you, you're going to want to keep reading.

I love brunch. I also love pizza. And donuts. So naturally when I started this blog, those were territories I was very interested in exploring. The problem was, every time I went looking for recipes and inspiration for dough, phrases like "activate the yeast" and "let rise overnight" kept appearing and scaring me away.

Finally, I found the answer to all my dough woes- store bought dough. And for anyone out there saying "hey, that's cheating!", you actually are incorrect. It's genius, like me.

So I have compiled 5 of my favorite doughy recipes for your viewing and eating pleasure. Some of them are my own and some are from other sites but they are all tried, (extensively) taste-tested, and Sprinkle Project approved. Enjoy!

Cinnamon Sugar Vanilla Cream Donuts

Sugar and spice and everything fried

Butternut Squash and Spinach Breakfast Pizza

So many veggies on this pizza, it's basically a salad #health

Nutella and Raspberry Breakfast Buns

My anaconda don't want none unless you got Nutella buns hun.

Peanut Butter and Jelly Monkey Bread

A new twist on a childhood classic that you'll go bananas over.

Bacon, Egg, and Cheese Breakfast Ring

It's the ciiiiiiircle of eggs.

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