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What's better than a hot stack of pancakes first thing in the AM? That's right! A hot stack of blueberry almond pancakes made with greek yogurt. How'd you get so smart!?

These pancakes are filled with blueberries and sliced almonds which makes for a delicious contrast of flavor. The recipe calls for a splash of almond milk for a little added sweetness, and a sprinkle of lemon zest, which adds tartness in all the right ways. In addition to tasting amazing, these pancakes are low in carbs and high in protein, making them energy-packed and guilt-free. An added bonus: the yogurt makes the pancakes really fluffy which is great because like fluffy pancakes are obviously better than not fluffy pancakes. Especially if you're going to be posting that shiz on Instagram (#pancakeporn).

So while maybe Jack Johnson's wife can afford to stay in bed all day eating banana pancakes (and probably Netflix binging), not everyone is married to a famous pancake making singer, and some of us have to be at work at 9 am. If the latter unfortunately applies to you, these pancakes are a great option for breakfast and will give you enough energy to get you through the day. You might even actually make it to that spin class tonight.

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