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While he eats his heart out, you'll be busy eating this cake.

There's pretty much nothing worse than going through a break-up. However, there's pretty much nothing better than the Break-Up Cake. And while I can't promise that it will solve all your problems, I will say that after one bite you're going to want to make this cake your new boyfriend.

With it's layers of brownie, cookie dough, cheesecake, and cookie butter truffles, the only other things you'll need to get through your heartbreak are a bottle (or seven) of wine, your BFFs, and your mom...obviously. Oh and did I mention this recipe calls for a thick layer of chocolate ganache and a coat of oreo crumble, making this cake the world's cheapest and most effective form of therapy.

So put down that box of chocolates your currently crying into (just like your ex, it's bound to disappoint you) - And get ready for the recipe that'll have you up, wearing pants, and reentering society in no time.

For best results: Play Beyoncé's "Best Thing I Never Had" while baking/eating this cake. Loud. On repeat.

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