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If you put Albert Einstein and Sir Isaac Newton into a kitchen together and asked them to make you breakfast, I’m quite sure that the resulting dish would be a warm, flaky, avocado smeared piece of toast. You know why? Because as simple as it is, avocado toast is all kinds of amazing, delicious genius.

It’s super easy to make, tastes ahhmazing, and is (drum roll please) ACTUALLY pretty healthy. Avocado toast is a great source of fiber, complex carbs, and natural fat (that’s the good kind – see figure 1.1), making it the perfect way to start your day. I would say that it is the greatest thing since sliced bread, but it is, quite literally, sliced bread. Toasted.

(Figure 1.1)

And if you, like Iggy Azalea, are feeling fancy, here are some things you can top your avo toast with:

  • Egg (Fried, poached, boiled, scrambled – pretty much any form of egg you can think of)

  • Onions

  • Tomatoes

  • Crushed red pepper

  • Hot sauce

  • Sriracha (it’s so amazing that grouping it with the other hot sauces wouldn’t be right)

  • Cheeeeeze – Feta and goat cheese are my go-to’s

  • Smoked salmon

  • Bae-con – or as the vegetarian’s call it: bacon (shun the non-believers)

  • Sea salt

  • Salsa

  • MORE avocado

And 100 points to Gryffendor if you can get all of the above onto one piece of toast. The more the merrier! Get toasting!

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